Tuesday, December 12, 2017

My 1st essay : Optimalisasi Peran Civitas Akademika pada Garda Terdepan dalam Inovasi Diversifikasi Pangan untuk Mewujudkan Nawacita dan SDG 2030

My first critical essay on Indonesian agricultural problems and solutions in achieving sustainability of foods and achieving SDGs 2030 goals with the collaboration of Sofia Ari Murti and Fahma Lailatus.
#sdg2030 #unej #debate #essay #2017

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Common types of lexical items/chunks include :

1. Words, e.g. cat, tree
2. Parts of words, e.g. -s in trees, -er in worker, non- in nondescript, -est in loudest
3. Phrasal verbs, e.g. put off or get out
4. Polywords, e.g. by the way, inside out
5. Collocations, e.g. motor vehicle, absolutely convinced.
6. Institutionalized utterances, e.g. I'll get it, We'll see, That'll do, If I were you, Would you like a cup of coffee?
7. Idioms, e.g. break a leg, was one whale of a, a bitter pill to swallow
8. Sayings, e.g. The early bird gets the worm, The devil is in the details
9. Sentence frames and heads, e.g. That is not as...as you think, The problem was
10. Text frames, e.g., In this paper we explore...; Firstly...; Secondly...; Finally ....

Friday, November 17, 2017

As Iran, THW prioritize economic recovery over financially supporting Shiites outside Iran

I've joint a training today. Mr. Fery whom I adore gave feedbacks, constructive feedback I mean that I've never thought.

I can't give you a detailed text, but audio recording. Here is the link.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Things I learned in EDSA UIN competitions 2017

Hey, I have been in UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Surabaya for me is so goddamn hot. I could barely stand with the weather. But that's not the main portion of this post anyway. I just want to share to you how competition in UINSA was.

A. The story telling competition

First competition I joint was the story telling competition, it sounds crazy when you focus on "story telling". I thought it was not that odd considering that this competition is meant for high  and college students. But my presumption was wrong. Almost all competitors here brought something that was too plain for us as a college students. Anyway, the theme for this competition was world classic history - heroes with no capes. And yes, I was lost. I am sure that I could not make it because I didn't follow the existing rule. The commitee urged us to bring and modify an existing story from folklore, novel or something, but I instead brought a story of my own, about a young man named Jon who was gulped by a book and went to the past history of mankind to unite two soldiers factions that were in dispute. The story was quite lively and good I believe compared to most of the speakers, the problem once again only lies on the story that was not based on any story that had existed, that's why, I just got a best speaker.

The another problem that I presume hampered me to get a champion was a lack of preparation, I just discovered the Competition around 2 weeks before the day date and preparing everything around 10 days or so before the day. It made moss Cindy, a professional illustrator I've just known from Diana sick as she struggled hard to draw 20 pages of illustration before the competition began, but my expectation didn't come true though as she couldn't finish it well and on time, I managed to skip my turn by going to the toilet. That's why, from that moment, I began marking a  yearly event in my Google calendar to keep in touch of something like this.

Speaking of properties. I guess it was not really contributing onto overall calculations of score, but at least it could help me on getting higher score. Thing that I assume made me get lower score was because using microphone. It somehow limited my hand gesture and made me less expressive. I guess if the mini wireless microphone was provided, I'd just use it but they didn't prepare any.

Furthermore, talking about preparation and mastering of transcript. I was supposed to reach a level where I didn't need to reopen the transcript papers over and over or else I would mess it up. It was really tangible when I skipped a lot of parts. Including when Jon made an oration and some mumbling parts and grammatical errors that weren't  seem discovered by other audiences.

Then, about presentation, it's messed up, I've paid an operator with a cane of coffee but he didn't cooperate well. He didn't master the transcript but I would blame myself actually as I skipped too much part so the operators were confused. So, again, don't try to do an experiment on improvisation especially if you rely on operator of your presentation.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Seluk beluk TCP/IP

    A.      Definisi TCP/IP dan IP address
Sebelum dua atau lebih computer dapat berkomunikasi satu sama lain, sebuah set peraturan harus ditetapkan untuk mendeskripsikan prosedur untuk setiap host atau Router di sebuah jaringan agar dapat mengirim atau menerima sebuah data. Set peraturan ini dikenal sebagai “ Protokol “, dan TCP / IP itu sendiri adalah set peraturan paling umum yang digunakan dewasa ini. Untuk mengenal lebih lanjut tentang jaringan ataupun jaringan berbasis internet, kita harus mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang protocol TCP / IP.

   B.      Apa sih IP address itu
IP digunakan untuk menamai sebuah device dalam sebuah jaringan agar bisa berkomunikasi satu sama lain, layaknya sebuah pertemuan dengan orang baru; kita harus mengetahui lebih dulu nama dari lawan bicara; begitupun juga dengan device yang ada di jaringan, mereka harus mengenali satu sama lain.

Yang membuat IP address unik karena setip address yang diberikan hanya dapat mengidentifikasi hanya satu host di internet.  Jadi, setiap host atau router yang ingin berkomunikasi satu sama lain di internet harus menggunakan skema pengalamatan yang ada di TCP/IP ( Yaitu pemberian IP address dan lain – lain yang akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut nanti ).
IP address adalah angka berukuran 32 Bit ( 4 Byte ) yang ditulis dengan notasi titik. Jadi simple, tiap 8 bit / 1 Byte yang ada di IP address akan dibagi dengan titik sehingga akan membuat angka IP address menjadi 4 bagian.
Contoh :  ß Ini juga dikenal sebagai angka decimal
11000000.10101000.00001010.00010101 ß Ini adalah angka biner dari IP address diatas, akan dipelajari -lebih lanjut nanti
Nah, jika kita lihat dengan seksama, apabila setiap kelompok yang dibagi dengan titik itu berisi angka 11111111 maka bila kita convert ke decimal akan berbunyi 255 ( Atau pakai calculator ).
Ini berarti bahwa setiap kelompok tersebut dapat mewakili angka dari 0-255 ( Ada 4 kelompok dalam IP address ) . Itu akan membuat  IP address yang tersedia sebesar 4,294,967,296 buah.
Di IP address juga masih dibagi lagi unsurnya, seperti Network id ( netid ) dan host id, netid sendiri berfungsi untuk menunjukkan jaringan yang dipakai, sedangkan HOST id digunakan untuk menunjukkan identitas semua device yang ada di jaringan tersebut seperti Workstation, server, router.

   C.      Kelas – Kelas IP address